7th and 8th grade science students at Toledo Middle School begin their field investigations for the Toledo Trail Project!
The TMS students will adopt a section of trail along old Hwy 99 (Pacific Rd) to Steward. The survey is to determine: type of ecosystem, physical characteristic (pH, soil, type, nitrates, etc.), evidence of erosion, percentage of invasive species and the plant and animal species present. They will design and create an erosion mitigation project, propagate native plants for enhancement, write an informational placard for a species of plant within their location to include ID, characteristics, and ethnology-botany history. Students will understand the biology of plant propagation, the cultural/economic value of native plant specie, and gain an understanding of how a landscape can change over time or suddenly form erosion and the consequences of these changes. The adopted trail will be used as a working laboratory for 7th and 8th grade student field studies.